Once a week, every week, it's my goal to feed our family as vegetarians. Why on earth would we do this? Well, basically, it's for the earth. Read on to find out more about why skipping out on meat once a week is good for your health and the planet.
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I'll be honest, I'm a big fan of blogs that don't make me scroll through their entire life story just to get to the recipe I want to try. So, just let me say this.
You've probably heard the buzz about meal planning. I mean, it helps you eat healthier, saves you time and money, and can seriously decrease the Wednesday-night-what-the-heck-are-we-going-to-eat-stress. As a busy mama, taking time to meal plan can be a game-changer. However, you just might be making one (or more) of these mistakes; read through these to learn how to set yourself up for meal planning success!
Can I let you in on a secret? Losing weight ... doesn't have to suck! You don't have to workout in the gym for hours (or at all, if you don't want to). You don't have to count calories, cut out foods you love, or deprive yourself. It really is possible to lose weight happily and it all comes down to learning simple and effective nutrition strategies, behaviour patterns, plate-visualization methods, and acquired self-awareness tools.
So, you're going to an all-inclusive resort, with the drinks flowing, the buffets calling, and the desserts... don't even get me started. You don't want to completely derail your life, especially if you're working towards health and fitness goals, so how do you stay on track at an all-inclusive resort?
My child has been wild since she came into this world. Wild hair, wild personality, and a wild ride from her birth story to her first breath to her first day of playschool. Now, with just over 2 months until her 3rd birthday, I've been thinking about her spirited nature, her continued displeasure with being told it's time for bed, her love for the outdoors, our dog, and Paw Patrol. I've been reflecting on who she has become and who she has made me. These are just some of the lessons from my greatest teacher, my favourite tiny human, and the funniest person I've ever met.
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog post detailing my favourite money strategy books. Like I said, I'm kind of a self-help junkie and a dedicated lifelong learner. Now, those books were all about managing money, paying off debt, learning to invest, and teaching your kids money management.
Today, I want to present the other side of the coin (money pun!). These are my favourite money mindset books. If you want to manifest more money, deal with blocks you might have, or take your business to the next income level by working on yourself, these are the books for you! I have a mug problem. Like, I have so many mugs that they don't all fit in my kitchen. I love a good pattern, an inspirational saying, or a funny quote. I get a Starbucks mug whenever I travel to a new place and the Chapters mugs always get me.
Well, not only do I hoard mugs like they'll stop making them tomorrow, I also think they make great gifts! So, coming at ya... 10 mugs that will make great presents for Mother's Day (you're welcome!) Impulse spending - ah, the bane of my monthly budget. Dropping cash on a whim for things I don't really need was something I've struggled with for as long as I can remember. However, 2018 is the year of paying off all our debt (and it's kind of a lot) so wrangling those impulse urges had to happen. These are the top strategies I have incorporated into our life to help stop the impulse and save money. Choose one of these methods or use them all to help keep your budget on track!
This weekend, my husband, my daughter and I packed up the car and drove almost 12 hours (one way) to surprise my parents in Vancouver. Like, we basically spent 1 day driving for 1.5 days spent with my family (worth it).
My stepson lives with us every second week; our niece also lives with us a lot of the time. But over the past weekend? It was just the 3 of us. My stepson was with his mom and our niece, who is a teenager, stayed home to study and housesit for us. |
September 2018