Y'all, I know you're supposed to "eat to live," but I've got to speak my truth. I totally live to eat. I love good food. I love cooking a delicious meal, I'm such a fan of going out to eat at new restaurants, and it makes my heart so happy to cook something that my family can't get enough of. It's one of the reasons I'm so excited to be sharing this weekly Wednesday series with recipes that we've signed off on. I'm the pickiest eater in our family (even my toddler puts hot sauce on everything I make), so if I'm a fan, it's got to good. So, let's do this. I've got 2 recipes for you - real things I've eaten recently that I'm sure you'll love too!
Whenever I start a new workout program, no matter how consistently I've been committed to my fitness, I always end up walking like a) a penguin or b) a baby deer. Sitting down to pee hurts. Getting out of bed hurts. Let's be honest, existing hurts. Having solutions for sore muscles? It's pretty much a necessity to survive #momlife.
Fun fact: I went to school to get an English lit degree because I love reading more than pretty much any other activity. At any point in my life, I am reading 3 books while also listening to 2 others on Audible. Young adult fiction? Sign me up. Personal development books? Yes please. Do I have 36 books on hold at our local library? Why, yes. Yes, I do.
Ok, where am I going with this? Where I'm going is... a virtual book club/reading party. Over the coming weeks, I will be reading (ok, listening to) the book Hands Free Life by Rachel Macy Stafford and I thought I'd invite you to read it with me. Let's be honest, y'all. I am not a food blogger. I don't have the patience to take pictures of every step of a recipe. I don't want to write out long stories about the things I cook (and, honestly, I hate having to scroll through blog posts to get to the actual recipe). So, I wanted to share some of the things I love to make in a way that made sense for me.
With that, I've settled on a Wednesday Weekly Recipe Round-up - every Wednesday, I will be sharing 3-5 recipes that I've made in the past week that we have loved. A simple pictures snapped on my phone and healthy, wholesome food to make you feel good... It's here. |
September 2018