I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you real information about a more productive, balanced life. I will never recommend anything that I don't use and love myself. 5am. That's what time I set my alarm for; I do it because getting up early makes me a better mom. I'm a happier wife, more organized business-owner, and less stressed person when I dedicate my time to a morning routine. You don't have to get up as early as I do; however, if you can incorporate even just a couple of these practices into your day, I swear that you will fall in love with your own morning routine! 1. Wake Up Before the KidsI mean, this might be the only alone time you get all day. It's not fun or exciting, but it can totally transform your life. (Let me say, though, while my daughter was a newborn and I was waking up multiple times a night to feed her, I was NOT setting my alarm, so feel free to disregard this point entirely if you're at a stage in your life where you're just not getting a good night's sleep). Instead of rushing around like a crazy person because you pressed snooze 17 times, try waking up 15 minutes to an hour early and using some of these strategies to bring in the calm and increase your inner peace. 2. Incorporate Essential OilsIn the past 6 months, I have started to utilize essential oils as a way to energize, motivate, relax... you name it, there seems to be an oil for that! Every morning, I rub a blend called Balance on the bottoms of my feet and I love to diffuse different citrus oils or peppermint oil in the AM because they help me to feel more awake! If you'd like to browse through my favourite brand of oils, check them out here! 3. Feed Your SoulThis might mean putting on your headphones to listen to an inspiring audiobook, your favourite podcast, or a song that makes your heart happy. It might be reading a book (I read The Daily Stoic every morning) or some quotes that motivate you from Pinterest. Find something that makes you feel good. I'm not talking business personal development, if that's your jam. Save it for later in the day and use your mornings to align yourself with a peaceful existence. 4. Check In With Your MoneyDo you have a good relationship with your money? Like, if money was your boyfriend or your husband, would he like the way you treat him? Are you paying attention to your money or do you avoid checking your bank account at all costs? Every morning, I check my bank account. I make sure I know exactly how much money I've spent, I can plug up any money leaks that I might have missed, and I express gratitude for the money that I have. It takes 2 seconds but this small step can increase your confidence in your money management so much! 5. Journal, Journal, JournalIf you haven't tried journalling... well, my friend, you need to. My personally preference is a 3-step process:
If you would like to try out my journalling process, I created a workbook called The Gratitude Experiment - find out more here! What is essential to your morning routine? Comment below!
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September 2018