Hi, I'm Sarra, and I’m a personal development junkie. I’ve read “you’ve got this, girl” self-help books and I’ve read business books. I’ve signed out every parenting book from the library. I’ve studied everything from love to leadership to low-carb eating. Mama, I’ve read it all. One of my favourite topics is the Law of Attraction. I’ve learned to manifest money (I read the book). I believe that thoughts become things and what you think about, you bring about. I’ve used the law of attraction to find a parking spot and to find a husband. Basically, the Law of Attraction can be boiled down to this: I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy, and focus to, whether positive or negative. And you can master this law of the universe by getting reeeeeal clear about what it is you want and deliberately giving your attention, energy, and focus to those things. Law of Attraction & ContrastIf you want the Law of Attraction to work for you... you have to be crystal freakin' clear about what you want - and you can figure out what that is by looking at what you DON'T want. Contrast is a concept I learned from Abraham-Hicks (you can check out this 17 minute training if you're interested in a longer explanation); contrast is anything you don't like, anything that doesn't feel good, or anything that causes you to enter a negative state of mind or mood. Contrast is useful because, by identifying something you don't want, you become clearer about what it is that you actually do want. To help you observe contrast briefly (because you don't want to obsess about the things you don't want or the universe will just bring you more of the bad stuff!!), ask yourself, "So, what DO I want?" You can clarify so many different areas of your life: career, money, relationships, friendships, business, health, education, motherhood... the list goes on! Use what you Don't Want to Figure Out What You Do WantFirst, you need to choose an area of life that you want to change. Pick one from the list above or reflect on your own area of need. Then, write a Contrast List; this is a list of things you don't like, Once your list is complete, you can read each item or issue and ask yourself, "So, what do I want?" Write your answer across from what you don't want and cross that negative stuff out!! This exercise is most effective if you can brainstorm as many things as possible (think, 50+). After all, the more contrast you identify, the more clarity you will find. Here is a (short) example, utilizing My Ideal Financial Situation. Now, You Try!So, now it's your turn! Choose an area that you want to change in your life. List the things that are causing you difficulties currently, the things you dislike about this area, the experiences you've had cause you to feel negatively. Take your time. Write out as many things on your contrast list as possible. Then, you're going to get your clarity. As you read each item, ask yourself "So, what DO I want?" and complete the second side of your list. Next week, I'll be adding to this Law of Attraction series, sharing some strategies for giving attention to the things you want from life.
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September 2018