In our house, the kids clean their bathrooms; that means that our niece (16) cleans the basement bathroom, my stepson (11) cleans the main upstairs bathroom, and my husband and I take care of our ensuite. It's important to us that they learn the skills they need for when they leave home and that they share the responsibility for maintaining the space we all live in. My husband did a great amount of chores when he was growing up; to be honest, I did far less than the kids in our house do now. I believe we've found a pretty good balance (although, sometimes, you'd think we're making them spend hours and hours on dishes because we don't use a dishwasher). (No opt-in required!) I created this checklist, along with a detailed family cleaning schedule and checklists for the other rooms in our home as well. The bathroom checklist is taped up inside the cabinets in each bathroom - including ours, because I forget stuff all the time too #mombrain Getting Your Kids to CLeanOk, so obviously, you can just tell them to do their chores and expect them to do it. But here are a few tips to help get them started.
Cleaning SuppliesWe are slowly switching all our cleaning supplies to homemade, more natural products. We teach the kids (when age-appropriate) to use certain supplies and I feel good letting them use the stuff we make. Here are a couple recipes if you'd like to give them a try!
Don't have essential oils? No worries! Tackle your bathroom with the cleaning products you have. If you're interested, you can check out the ones that I use here. The Balancing Motherhood Course is open for enrolment! This course is designed for every busy mama who needs to overhaul her life with more than just her Pinterest boards. Find out all the details right here!
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September 2018